Mike Del Colle Dell 'Infinito (IMP ITA)- CH Basco De Altaha X Tinkerbell Jazz V't Regge Home
DOB - 17th April 2012
Mike DCDI Avaliable for stud to approved bitches. All pedigree documents are needed and ID must be provided to enusre that you are the current owner of the bitch. Cost of Mating is 400.00UKP. This includes 2 matings and if failing to take a free mating in the next heat.
This male is a stunning example of a European male from some of the finest bloodlines in boxer history. His father, CH. Basco De Altaha, is producing some amazing dogs; one of which is CH.Verdel Del Tajo who is also the father of Benito De Kappabox. Basco, Verdel and Benito can be seen on www.boxerdeltajo.com. I also have documents to prove CH status of Basco and also hip scorings etc for him. Mike will not produce white puppies.
Stud fee includes second mating, if required. Straws can also be sent within Europe and outside depending on Country and law.
MIKE IS 0 GRADE HEART MURMUR. (0-6 is scoring table)
Mike was graded EXCELLENT at Atibox, Hungary 2013!
DOB - 17th April 2012
Mike DCDI Avaliable for stud to approved bitches. All pedigree documents are needed and ID must be provided to enusre that you are the current owner of the bitch. Cost of Mating is 400.00UKP. This includes 2 matings and if failing to take a free mating in the next heat.
This male is a stunning example of a European male from some of the finest bloodlines in boxer history. His father, CH. Basco De Altaha, is producing some amazing dogs; one of which is CH.Verdel Del Tajo who is also the father of Benito De Kappabox. Basco, Verdel and Benito can be seen on www.boxerdeltajo.com. I also have documents to prove CH status of Basco and also hip scorings etc for him. Mike will not produce white puppies.
Stud fee includes second mating, if required. Straws can also be sent within Europe and outside depending on Country and law.
MIKE IS 0 GRADE HEART MURMUR. (0-6 is scoring table)
Mike was graded EXCELLENT at Atibox, Hungary 2013!